Thursday, November 30, 2017

Busy in the Studio :

I'd like to show some of my latest work from this year :

This first group was for the 
Affordable Art Fair at JCO's Art Haus
All but one, went home to new collectors...
what an amazing experience for me!

The following are more that I created for other shows this year:
Most have found new homes, which I am so very grateful for!

This one was a special commission painting,
called "Sierra's Landscape"

My art to yours,


Monday, November 27, 2017

Artist Interview :

I have something pretty cool to show you ...

Earlier this month, I had an amazing
opportunity to describe my artistic process
in an interview for the KMVT Television Studio,

I've never been on "camera" before,
so you can imagine how nervous I was!

Last year I was approached by Marc Potter,
who runs this show, to share my story 
behind my artwork.

As, you will see it's a short 30 minute
discussion of some of my paintings.
For now, it's on their YouTube Channel, 
but soon it will actually be aired on TV!

My daughter's sat in the Green Room and
took these "behind the scene" photos!

Please follow the link to take a look!

My art to yours,

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Abstract Botanicals

How does an artist describe their style?

When someone, who has not seen my work before,
 asks me what kind of paintings I do,
how do I explain that?

I'm not a traditional painter.
I definitely like to experiment with techniques & mediums.
Line work and texture are important elements 
in my work.
Oh, and I like to draw distorted imaginary flowers!
So I came up with a way to define my work:


Here are a few of my latest paintings:

My art to yours,